Early identification of communication difficulties is important to getting your child the help he/she needs. I welcome you to ask any questions about speech or language development, but here are the most frequently asked questions:

Does my child need help with his speech and language skills? Here are some signs:

  • Your child isn’t talking by 18 months.

  • Your child has experienced frequent ear infections.

  • Speech is difficult to understand after age 3.

  • Your child is leaving out the beginning sounds of words i.e “og ark” for “dog bark”

  • Your child is using mostly vowel sounds when speaking after age 3

  • Your child has difficulty with any speech sound after the age of 7

When should my child begin to talk?

Children learn to speak from the moment they are born. They will communicate by crying and learn to change pitch and volume from a small whimper to a loud cry. A newborn’s cry can mean differnt needs: hunger, pleasure, fatigue, or discomfort. As long as physical, mental, and social stimulation has taken place a child’s first word is aroung 12 to 18 months of age.

When should people outside the family be able to understand my child?

  • by 18 months - 25% of speech should be understood

  • 24 monhs - 50% of speech should be understood

  • 30 months - 65% of speech should be understood

  • 36 months - 80% of speech should be understood

  • 42 months- 92% of speech should be understood

  • 48 months - 100% od speech should be understood